Source code for iadpython.iad

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"""Class for doing inverse adding-doubling calculations for a sample.


    >>> import iadpython as iad

    >>> exp = iad.Experiment(0.5,0.1,0.01)
    >>> a, b, g = exp.invert()
    >>> print("a = %7.3f" % a)
    >>> print("b = %7.3f" % b)
    >>> print("g = %7.3f" % g)

    >>> s = iad.Sample(0.5,0.1,0.01,n=1.4, n_top=1.5, n_bottom=1.5)
    >>> exp = iad.Experiment(s)
    >>> a, b, g = exp.invert()
    >>> print("a = %7.3f" % a)
    >>> print("b = %7.3f" % b)
    >>> print("g = %7.3f" % g)

import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import iadpython as iad

[docs] class Experiment(): """Container class for details of an experiment.""" def __init__(self, r=None, t=None, u=None, sample=None, r_sphere=None, t_sphere=None, num_spheres=0, default_a=None, default_b=None, default_g=None): """Object initialization.""" if sample is None: self.sample = iad.Sample() else: self.sample = sample self.r_sphere = r_sphere self.t_sphere = t_sphere self.num_spheres = num_spheres self.m_r = r self.m_t = t self.m_u = u self.lambda0 = None # these will have to be eventually supported self.d_beam = 1 self.lambda0 = 633 self.flip_sample = False self.fraction_of_rc_in_mr = 1 self.fraction_of_tc_in_mt = 1 self.ur1_lost = 0 self.uru_lost = 0 self.ut1_lost = 0 self.utu_lost = 0 self.default_a = default_a self.default_b = default_b self.default_g = default_g self.default_ba = None self.default_bs = None self.default_mua = None self.default_mus = None = 'unknown' self.metric = 1 self.tolerance = 1 self.MC_tolerance = 1 self.final_distance = 1 self.iterations = 1 self.error = 1 self.num_measurements = 0 self.grid = None def __str__(self): """Return basic details as a string for printing.""" s = "---------------- Sample ---------------\n" s += self.sample.__str__() s += "\n--------------- Spheres ---------------\n" if self.num_spheres == 0: s += "No spheres used.\n" if self.r_sphere is not None: s += "Reflectance Sphere--------\n" s += self.r_sphere.__str__() if self.t_sphere is not None: s += "Transmission Sphere--------\n" s += self.t_sphere.__str__() s += "\n------------- Measurements ------------\n" s += " Reflection = " if self.m_r is None: s += "Missing\n" elif np.isscalar(self.m_r): s += "%.5f\n" % self.m_r else: s += "%s\n" % self.m_r.__str__() s += " Transmission = " if self.m_t is None: s += "Missing\n" elif np.isscalar(self.m_r): s += "%.5f\n" % self.m_t else: s += "%s\n" % self.m_t.__str__() s += " Unscattered Transmission = " if self.m_u is None: s += "Missing\n" elif np.isscalar(self.m_r): s += "%.5f\n" % self.m_u else: s += "%s\n" % self.m_u.__str__() return s
[docs] def check_measurements(self): """Make sure measurements are sane.""" between = " Must be between 0 and 1." if not (self.m_r is None or np.isscalar(self.m_r)) or \ not (self.m_t is None or np.isscalar(self.m_t)) or \ not (self.m_u is None or np.isscalar(self.m_u)): raise ValueError("invert_scalar_rt() is only for scalar m_r, m_t, m_u") if self.m_r is not None: if self.m_r < 0 or self.m_r > 1: raise ValueError("Invalid refl. %.4f" % self.m_r + between) if self.m_t is not None: if self.m_t < 0 or self.m_t > 1: raise ValueError("Invalid trans. %.4f" % self.m_t + between) if self.m_u is not None: if self.m_u < 0 or self.m_u > 1: raise ValueError("Invalid unscattered trans. %.4f." % self.m_u + between)
[docs] def useful_measurements(self): """Count the number of useful measurements.""" self.num_measurements = 0 if self.m_r is not None: self.num_measurements += 1 if self.m_t is not None: self.num_measurements += 1 if self.m_u is not None: self.num_measurements += 1
[docs] def invert_scalar_rt(self): """Find a,b,g for a single experimental measurement. This routine assumes that `m_r`, `m_t`, and `m_u` are scalars. Returns: - `a` is the single scattering albedo of the slab - `b` is the optical thickness of the slab - `g` is the anisotropy of single scattering """ self.check_measurements() self.useful_measurements() self.determine_search() if self.m_r is None and self.m_t is None and self.m_u is None: return None, None, None # assign default values self.sample.a = self.default_a or 0 self.sample.b = self.default_b or self.what_is_b() self.sample.g = self.default_g or 0 # print('search is', # print(' a = ', self.sample.a) # print(' b = ', self.sample.b) # print(' g = ', self.sample.g) if == 'find_a': _ = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(afun, args=(self), bounds=(0, 1), method='bounded') if == 'find_b': _ = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(bfun, args=(self), method='brent') if == 'find_g': _ = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(gfun, args=(self), bounds=(-1, 1), method='bounded') if in ['find_ab', 'find_ag', 'find_bg']: if self.grid is None: self.grid = iad.Grid() # the grids are two-dimensional, one value is held constant grid_constant = None if == 'find_ag': grid_constant = self.sample.b if == 'find_bg': grid_constant = self.sample.a if == 'find_ab': grid_constant = self.sample.g if self.grid.is_stale(grid_constant): self.grid.calc(self, grid_constant) a, b, g = self.grid.min_abg(self.m_r, self.m_t) # print('grid constant %8.5f' % grid_constant) # print('grid start a=%8.5f' % a) # print('grid start b=%8.5f' % b) # print('grid start g=%8.5f' % g) if == 'find_ab': x = scipy.optimize.Bounds(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([1, np.inf])) _ = scipy.optimize.minimize(abfun, [a, b], args=(self), bounds=x, method='Nelder-Mead') if == 'find_ag': x = scipy.optimize.Bounds(np.array([0, -1]), np.array([1, 1])) _ = scipy.optimize.minimize(agfun, [a, g], args=(self), bounds=x, method='Nelder-Mead') if == 'find_bg': x = scipy.optimize.Bounds(np.array([0, -1]), np.array([np.inf, 1])) _ = scipy.optimize.minimize(bgfun, [b, g], args=(self), bounds=x, method='Nelder-Mead') return self.sample.a, self.sample.b, self.sample.g
[docs] def invert_rt(self): """Find a,b,g for experimental measurements. This method works if `m_r`, `m_t`, and `m_u` are scalars or arrays. Returns: - `a` is the single scattering albedo of the slab - `b` is the optical thickness of the slab - `g` is the anisotropy of single scattering """ if self.m_r is None and self.m_t is None and self.m_u is None: return self.invert_scalar_rt() # any scalar measurement indicates a single data point if np.isscalar(self.m_r) or np.isscalar(self.m_t) or np.isscalar(self.m_u): return self.invert_scalar_rt() # figure out the number of points that we need to invert if self.m_r is not None: N = len(self.m_r) elif self.m_t is not None: N = len(self.m_t) else: N = len(self.m_u) a = np.zeros(N) b = np.zeros(N) g = np.zeros(N) x = copy.deepcopy(self) x.m_r = None x.m_t = None x.m_u = None for i in range(N): if self.m_r is not None: x.m_r = self.m_r[i] if self.m_t is not None: x.m_t = self.m_t[i] if self.m_u is not None: x.m_u = self.m_u[i] a[i], b[i], g[i] = x.invert_scalar_rt() return a, b, g
[docs] def what_is_b(self): """Find optical thickness using unscattered transmission.""" s = self.sample t_un = self.m_u or 0 r1, t1 = iad.absorbing_glass_RT(1.0, s.n_above, s.n, s.nu_0, s.b_above) mu = iad.cos_snell(1.0, s.nu_0, s.n) r2, t2 = iad.absorbing_glass_RT(s.n, s.n_below, 1.0, mu, s.b_below) if t_un <= 0: return np.inf if t_un >= t1 * t2 / (1 - r1 * r2): return 0.001 tt = t1 * t2 if r1 == 0 or r2 == 0: ratio = tt / t_un else: ratio = (tt + np.sqrt(tt**2 + 4 * t_un**2 * r1 * r2)) / (2 * t_un) return s.nu_0 * np.log(ratio)
[docs] def measured_rt(self): r"""Calculate measured reflection and transmission. The direct incident power is :math:`(1-f)P`. The reflected power will be :math:`(1-f)R_{direct} P`. Since baffles ensure that the light cannot reach the detector, we must bounce the light off the sphere walls to use to above gain formulas. The contribution will then be .. math:: (1-f)R_{direct} (1-a_e) r_w P. The measured power will be .. math:: P_d = a_d (1-a_e) r_w [(1-f) r_{direct} + f r_w] P ⋅ G(r_s) Similarly the power falling on the detector measuring transmitted light is .. math:: P_d'= a_d' t_{direct} r_w' (1-a_e') P ⋅ G'(r_s) when the entrance port in the transmission sphere is closed, :math:`a_e'=0`. The normalized sphere measurements are .. math:: M_R = r_{std}⋅\frac{R(r_{direct},r_s)-R(0,0)}{R(r_{std},r_{std})-R(0,0)} and .. math:: M_T = t_{std}⋅\frac{T(t_{direct},r_s)-T(0,0)}{T(t_{std},r_{std})-T(0,0)} Args: ur1: reflection for collimated incidence ut1: transmission for collimated incidence uru: reflection for diffuse incidence utu: transmission for diffuse incidence Returns: [float, float]: measured reflection and transmission """ s = self.sample ur1, ut1, uru, utu = s.rt() # find the unscattered reflection and transmission nu_inside = iad.cos_snell(1, s.nu_0, s.n) r_un, t_un = iad.specular_rt(s.n_above, s.n, s.n_below, s.b, nu_inside) # correct for lost light # R_diffuse = uru - self.uru_lost # T_diffuse = utu - self.utu_lost R_direct = ur1 - self.ur1_lost T_direct = ut1 - self.ut1_lost # correct for fraction not collected R_direct -= (1.0 - self.fraction_of_rc_in_mr) * r_un T_direct -= (1.0 - self.fraction_of_tc_in_mt) * t_un # Values when no spheres are used m_r = R_direct m_t = T_direct if self.num_spheres == 1: if self.r_sphere is not None: r_gain_00 = self.r_sphere.gain(0) ratio_std = self.r_sphere.gain(self.r_sphere.r_std) / r_gain_00 ratio_sample = self.r_sphere.gain(uru) / r_gain_00 print(r_gain_00, ratio_std, ratio_sample) f = self.fraction_of_rc_in_mr p_d = R_direct * (1 - f) + f * self.r_sphere.r_wall p_std = self.r_sphere.r_std * (1 - f) + f * self.r_sphere.r_wall p_0 = f * self.r_sphere.r_wall print("p values", p_d, p_std, p_0) m_r = (p_d - ratio_sample * p_0) / (p_std - ratio_std * p_0) m_r *= self.r_sphere.r_std if ratio_sample != ratio_std: m_r *= ratio_std / ratio_sample print("m_r=", m_r) if self.t_sphere is not None: t_gain_00 = self.t_sphere.gain(0) t_gain_std = self.t_sphere.gain(uru) m_t = T_direct * t_gain_00 / t_gain_std return m_r, m_t
[docs] def afun(x, *args): """Vary the albedo.""" exp = args[0] exp.sample.a = x m_r, m_t = exp.measured_rt() result = 0 if exp.m_r is not None: result += np.abs(m_r - exp.m_r) if exp.m_t is not None: result += np.abs(m_t - exp.m_t) return result
[docs] def bfun(x, *args): """Vary the optical thickness.""" exp = args[0] exp.sample.b = x m_r, m_t = exp.measured_rt() result = 0 if exp.m_r is not None: result += np.abs(m_r - exp.m_r) if exp.m_t is not None: result += np.abs(m_t - exp.m_t) return result
[docs] def gfun(x, *args): """Vary the anisotropy.""" exp = args[0] exp.sample.g = x m_r, m_t = exp.measured_rt() result = 0 if exp.m_r is not None: result += np.abs(m_r - exp.m_r) if exp.m_t is not None: result += np.abs(m_t - exp.m_t) return result
[docs] def abfun(x, *args): """Vary the ab.""" exp = args[0] exp.sample.a = x[0] exp.sample.b = x[1] m_r, m_t = exp.measured_rt() delta = np.abs(m_r - exp.m_r) + np.abs(m_t - exp.m_t) return delta
[docs] def bgfun(x, *args): """Vary the bg.""" exp = args[0] exp.sample.b = x[0] exp.sample.g = x[1] m_r, m_t = exp.measured_rt() delta = np.abs(m_r - exp.m_r) + np.abs(m_t - exp.m_t) return delta
[docs] def agfun(x, *args): """Vary the ag.""" exp = args[0] exp.sample.a = x[0] exp.sample.g = x[1] m_r, m_t = exp.measured_rt() delta = np.abs(m_r - exp.m_r) + np.abs(m_t - exp.m_t) # print("%9.7f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f" % (delta, x[0], x[1], m_r, m_t)) return delta