Source code for iadpython.start

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

"""Module for generating the starting layer for adding-doubling.

Two types of starting methods are possible IGI and Diamond.


    >>> import iadpython as iad
    >>> s = iad.Sample(a=0.9, b=10, g=0.9, n=1.5)
    >>> r, t = iad.init_layer(s)
    >>> print(r)
    >>> print(t)

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import iadpython as iad

__all__ = ('zero_layer',

[docs] def zero_layer(sample): """Create R and T matrices for thinnest_layer with zero thickness. Need to include quadrature normalization so R+T=1. """ if sample.twonuw is None: sample.update_quadrature() t = np.diagflat(1 / sample.twonuw) r = np.zeros_like(t) return r, t
[docs] def starting_thickness(sample): """Find the best starting thickness to start the doubling process. The criterion is based on an assessment of the (1) round-off error, (2) the angular initialization error, and (3) the thickness initialization error. Wiscombe concluded that an optimal starting thickness depends on the smallest quadrature, and recommends that when either the infinitesimal generator or diamond initialization methods are used then the initial thickness is optimal when type 2 and 3 errors are comparable, or when d ≈ µ. Note that round-off is important when the starting thickness is less than 1e-4 for diamond initialization and less than 1e-8 for infinitesimal generator initialization assuming about 14 significant digits of accuracy. Since the final thickness is determined by repeated doubling, the starting thickness is found by dividing by 2 until the starting thickness is less than 'mu'. Also we make checks for a thinnest_layer with zero thickness and one that infinitely thick. """ if is None: sample.update_quadrature() if sample.b <= 0: return 0.0 if sample.b == np.inf: return[0] / 2.0 dd = sample.b_delta_M() while dd >[0]: dd /= 2 return dd
[docs] def igi(sample): r"""Infinitesmal Generator Initialization. igi_start() generates the starting matrix with the inifinitesimal generator method. The accuracy is O(d) and assumes that the average irradiance upwards is equal to that travelling downwards at the top and the average radiance upwards equals that moving upwards from the bottom. Ultimately the formulas for the reflection matrix is .. math:: R_{ij} = a d/(4\nu_i\nu_j) hpm_{ij} and .. math:: T_{ij} = a d/(4\nu_i\nu_j) hpp_{ij} + \delta_{ij}(1-d/\nu_i)/(2\nu_i w_i) """ if is None: sample.update_quadrature() if sample.b_thinnest is None: sample.b_thinnest = starting_thickness(sample) n = sample.quad_pts d = sample.b_thinnest if sample.hp is None: sample.hp, = iad.hg_legendre(sample) temp = sample.a_delta_M() * d / 4 / R = temp * ( / T = temp * (sample.hp / T += (1 - d / / sample.twonuw * np.identity(n) return R, T
[docs] def diamond(sample): """Diamond initialization. The diamond method uses the same `r_hat` and `t_hat` as was used for infinitesimal generator method. Division by `2*nu_j*w_j` is not needed until the final values for `R` and `T` are formed. """ if is None: sample.update_quadrature() if sample.b_thinnest is None: sample.b_thinnest = starting_thickness(sample) n = sample.quad_pts d = sample.b_thinnest II = np.identity(n) if sample.hp is None: sample.hp, = iad.hg_legendre(sample) w = sample.twonuw / / 2 temp = sample.a_delta_M() * d * w / 4 r_hat = temp * ( / t_hat = d / (2 * * II - temp * (sample.hp / C = np.linalg.solve((II + t_hat).T, r_hat.T) G = 0.5 * (II + t_hat - C.T @ r_hat).T lu, piv = scipy.linalg.lu_factor(G) D = 1 / sample.twonuw * (C * sample.twonuw).T R = scipy.linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), D).T / sample.twonuw T = scipy.linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), II).T / sample.twonuw T -= II.T / sample.twonuw return R, T
[docs] def thinnest_layer(sample): """Reflection and transmission matrices for a thin thinnest_layer. The optimal method for calculating a thin thinnest_layer depends on the thinness of the thinnest_layer and the quadrature angles. This chooses the best method using Wiscombe's criteria. """ if sample.b <= 0: return zero_layer(sample) sample.b_thinnest = starting_thickness(sample) if sample.b_thinnest < 1e-4 or sample.b_thinnest < 0.09 *[0]: return igi(sample) return diamond(sample)
def _boundary(sample, n_i, n_g, n_t, b): """Find matrix for R and T for air/glass/slab interface. The resulting matrix is a diagonal matrix that is represented as an array. The reflection matrix is the same entering or exiting the slab. The transmission matrices should differ by a factor of (n_slab/n_outside)**4, due to n**2 law of radiance, but there is some inconsistency in the program and if I use this principle then regular calculations for R and T don't work and the fluence calculations still don't work. So punted and took all that code out. """ if n_i == 1.0: nu = iad.cos_snell(n_t,, n_i) else: nu = r, t = iad.absorbing_glass_RT(n_i, n_g, n_t, nu, b) r *= sample.twonuw return r, t
[docs] def boundary_layer(s, top=True): """Create reflection and transmission arrays for a boundary_layer. If 'boundary_layer=="top"' then the arrays returned are for the top surface and the labels are as expected i.e. 'T01' is the reflection for light from air passing to the slab. Otherwise the calculations are made for the bottom surface and the labels are backwards i.e. 'T01 == T32' and 'T10 == T23', where 0 is the first air slide surface, 1 is the slide/slab surface, 2 is the second slide/slab surface, and 3 is the bottom slide/air surface. Args: s: slab top: True if this is the top slide Returns: R01: reflection array from air to slab R10: reflection array from slab to air T01: transmission array from air to slab T10: transmission array from slab to air """ if is None: s.update_quadrature() if top: R01, T01 = _boundary(s, 1.0, s.n_above, s.n, s.b_above) R10, T10 = _boundary(s, s.n, s.n_above, 1.0, s.b_above) else: R10, T10 = _boundary(s, 1.0, s.n_below, s.n, s.b_below) R01, T01 = _boundary(s, s.n, s.n_below, 1.0, s.b_below) return R01, R10, T01, T10
[docs] def boundary_matrices(s, top=True): """Create reflection and transmission matrices for a boundary_layer. These can be treated like any other layer in the adding-doubling formalism. Args: s: slab top: True if this is the top boundary Returns: R01: reflection array from air to slab R10: reflection array from slab to air T01: transmission array from air to slab T10: transmission array from slab to air """ R01, R10, T01, T10 = boundary_layer(s, top=top) rr01 = np.diagflat(R01 / s.twonuw**2) rr10 = np.diagflat(R10 / s.twonuw**2) tt01 = np.diagflat(T01 / s.twonuw) tt10 = np.diagflat(T10 / s.twonuw) return rr01, rr10, tt01, tt10
[docs] def unscattered_rt(s): """Unscattered reflection and transmission for a slide-slab-slide sandwich. The sample is characterized by the record 'slab'. The total unscattered_layer reflection and transmission for oblique irradiance ('urx' and 'utx') together with their companions 'uru' and 'utu' for diffuse irradiance. The cosine of the incident angle is specified by 'slab.cos_angle'. The way that this routine calculates the diffuse unscattered_layer quantities based on the global quadrature angles previously set-up. Consequently, these estimates are not exact. In fact if 'n=4' then only two quadrature points will actually be used to figure out the diffuse reflection and transmission (assuming mismatched boundaries). This algorithm is pretty simple. Since the quadrature angles are all chosen assuming points inside the medium, I must calculate the corresponding angle for light entering from the outside. If the the cosine of this angle is greater than zero then the angle does not correspond to a direction in which light is totally internally reflected. For this ray, I find the unscattered_layer that would be reflected or transmitted from the slab. I multiply this by the quadrature angle and weight 'twoaw[i]' to get the total diffuse reflectance and transmittance. Oh, yes. The mysterious multiplication by a factor of 'n_slab*n_slab' is required to account for the n**2-law of radiance. """ r01, t01 = iad.zero_layer(s) r10, t10 = iad.zero_layer(s) r01, t01 = iad.specular_rt(s.n_above, s.n, s.n_below, s.b,, s.b_above, s.b_below) r10, t10 = iad.specular_rt(s.n_below, s.n, s.n_above, s.b,, s.b_below, s.b_above) rr01 = np.diagflat(r01) / s.twonuw rr10 = np.diagflat(r10) / s.twonuw tt01 = np.diagflat(t01) / s.twonuw tt10 = np.diagflat(t10) / s.twonuw return rr01, rr10, tt01, tt10
def unscattered(s): """Unscattered reflection and transmission for a slide-slab-slide sandwich. The sample is characterized by the record 'slab'. The total unscattered_layer reflection and transmission for oblique irradiance ('urx' and 'utx') together with their companions 'uru' and 'utu' for diffuse irradiance. The cosine of the incident angle is specified by 'slab.cos_angle'. The way that this routine calculates the diffuse unscattered_layer quantities based on the global quadrature angles previously set-up. Consequently, these estimates are not exact. In fact if 'n=4' then only two quadrature points will actually be used to figure out the diffuse reflection and transmission (assuming mismatched boundaries). This algorithm is pretty simple. Since the quadrature angles are all chosen assuming points inside the medium, I must calculate the corresponding angle for light entering from the outside. If the the cosine of this angle is greater than zero then the angle does not correspond to a direction in which light is totally internally reflected. For this ray, I find the unscattered_layer that would be reflected or transmitted from the slab. I multiply this by the quadrature angle and weight 'twoaw[i]' to get the total diffuse reflectance and transmittance. Oh, yes. The mysterious multiplication by a factor of 'n_slab*n_slab' is required to account for the n**2-law of radiance. """ n = s.quad_pts uru = 0 utu = 0 for i in range(n): nu_outside = iad.cos_snell(s.n,[i], 1.0) if nu_outside == 0: r, t = iad.specular_rt(s.n_above, s.n, s.n_below, s.b_above, s.b, s.b_below, nu_outside) uru += s.twonuw[i] * r[i, i] utu += s.twonuw[i] * t[i, i] ur1, ut1 = iad.specular_rt(s.n_above, s.n, s.n_below, s.b_above, s.b, s.b_below, s.nu_0) uru *= s.n**2 utu *= s.n**2 return ur1, ut1, uru, utu